LIZZO: Icon and Beacon of Light

I waited to create this blog post because I wanted to really absorb and reflect on my evening at the Lizzo concert.

The entire experience was amazing! From the sheer size of the arena, to the people watching (so much hot pink, sequins, glitter, and pearls! The hair and makeup!), to the opening acts (Sophia Eris! DJ Von! Latto!), to being in the same place as Lizzo and seeing her fantastic performance and wisdom. Being in an arena with thousands of people singing along to lyrics that build people up and create hope was something I will never forget.

At one point, a question on the screen asked us when the last time we said something kind to ourselves was, and someone shouted, “Never!” Lizzo heard that and said that that hurt her heart: “We hear from the world every single day why we’re not good enough, and the last person you need to hear it from is yourself!” She said that the world tries to tear us down for what makes us unique, special, different, beautiful, and if she can be who she is, someone who does not fit the mold of the beauty standard fed to us, then we can also be successful. She said that as she worked towards her dreams, she spoke to herself everyday with love, and that everyday we need to take time to say something kind about ourselves, even it it’s “You’re special! I’m so glad that you’re still with us, broken, but damn you’re still perfect!”

Needless to say, there were many tears during her speech, and throughout her concert. Negative self-talk is one of the biggest detriments to human beings, and when society piles on the negativity and criticism as well, no one wants to put themselves out there, try to achieve big dreams, and live a rich life to the fullest. Society wants us to stay small, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I will no longer be having that. I will speak to myself kindly everyday, and I will pursue my goals with gusto. I will free my mind and body, and go for it.

Dear reader, in the words of Lizzo, “You are beautiful and you can do anything!” I hope that you pursue your dreams as well. Thank goodness that Lizzo exists on this earth right now, because she is so needed. And I will listen to her songs on repeat as I learn to speak kindly to myself, free my body, and crush my goals. To self-love and to Lizzo! Thank you, Lizzo, from the bottom of my heart.