Art All Night Pittsburgh

This year was my first at Art All Night, as a visitor and as a participating artist. I went with a group from Confluence Arts, the new art collective for women. The sounds, the crowds, the art! It was sensory overload in the best way possible. If you’re unfamiliar with Art All Night, it’s a local 22 hour long festival of art that usually takes place in a warehouse. It’s free to enter, and everyone gets one piece in the show, whether you are five years old or 500. Both 2D and 3D art is accepted, and this year they had some installations, which I’m not sure were included in previous years. The whole thing is volunteer run, and they install and take down the show within 24 hours.

In addition to physical artwork, they also had musicians and a film screening. There were improv groups, comics, poets, and other performance art. Live painting was also included. Every painting created during Art All Night is auctioned off the next day to pay for the next Art All Night. This year I submitted my collage, Waterbear Parade, for the show, and live painted. My two hour painting time slot was from 10pm-12am, but I needed a little extra time as my canvas was 2x3ft, and unprimed. Next year, I will bring a blow dryer to hasten the drying time. I will also bring a chair and a lil table to set my supplies, and sign up for a longer time slot: some people painted for eight hours!

I love animals, and I settled on a penguin before the event due to the hockey team. Also, you can pet a penguin at the National Aviary, and that is on my bucket list. I painted this gentlepenguin in the top hat, but the original idea was for it to be raining penguins. When I saw how much time and energy I had left, I realized I needed a new plan. I decided to paint one penguin, but realized he needed a lil sumthin more. The top hat was the answer.

A king penguin wearing a top hat walks among a blue sky with puffy white clouds.

Live painting for Art All Night made me realize how much I miss drawing and painting with acrylic, standing at an easel and dancing to my jams in my headphones. So, I will continue to pursue that joy in other projects like this. Thank you, Art All Night!