Fantasy National Juried Exhibition Online Catalog

Hello, all! My collage, Waterbear Parade, is featured in the online catalog of Arc Gallery and Studios for their national juried exhibition, “Fantasy.” Here is a link for your viewing pleasure:

I’m on page 11! If you’re in San Francisco, you can see my work digitally at Arc Gallery and Studios from May 11th-June 8th. The address is 1246 Folsom Street (between 8th and 9th streets), San Francisco, CA. Here is a link with all the info:

If you go, please let me know!

A Bit of News from the Quarantine

Hello, dear readers. The past few months have been very busy, with visiting my family for the holidays, then immediately moving to Pittsburgh upon my return, then immediately starting work at my new day job. That’s a lot of immediatelys, and they do pile up. However, since my job is non-essential to sustaining life, I am suddenly and currently free for 40 hours of my week now, and I have been putting that new available time to good use. My alphabet coloring book is almost ready! I have just a few things to do before it heads to publishing land, and I will definitely spread the word when it becomes available on Amazon.

I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy, and if you know anyone in a life-sustaining occupation, please thank them for me. Sending much love and prayers their way. <3

Oh Lawd, the holidays comin’

Hi, friends! I hope everyone had wonderful Thanksgivings! I had a Friendsgiving with two of my close friends and it was a blast. Cooking was no prob because it was my second Friendsgiving rodeo and my friend Jess helped. Plus, I didn’t try to roast a whole chicken like I did last year. Thank you, Butterball, for roasted turkey breast!

After we ate I spent the rest of the day playing Punch Out on my Nintendo Classic with my friend Bobby. It’s all about the opponents’ tells and timing. He would demonstrate how to beat them, then let me try and offered tips while I was playing until I could beat them myself.

Now for the rest of the holidays!

I know that for some, this time of year can be difficult, and I would just like to remind you to take care of and be kind to yourself. Self-care is incredibly important for recharging your well-being battery, so however you can squeeze it in—a longer shower, a singalong to a favorite song, a night of watching your favorite movie—please do. You’re worth it. <3

Behold new content!

I have updated, dear readers!  Enjoy the hot pink text and feast your eyes upon new things in almost every section!  There is brand new and new-to-you work in Collage, Painting, Illustration, Sculpture, and Sketches and Fun Stuff.  I have also created a Printmaking section for your viewing pleasure with prints from this summer that range from etching to lithography.  Check out my About page for an actual photo of me with updated info about what I am currently doing, and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.  Thank you for visiting and viewing!  

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled in December/January for new Public Art work!  It's a collaboration piece...