I want to be like Mireia Sentis when I grow up

This semester has been crazy.  So many visiting artists, field trips, and recently, a workshop with Mireia Sentis.  I loved working with her.  I asked her if she thought she was successful, and she said that she didn't think she was in the traditional sense because she isn't well known, but she did think she was successful in that she has the freedom to pursue the projects that she wants to pursue.  I would like to be an artist like Mireia.  Someone who wears many hats and contributes to our culture in a variety of ways.  She does photography, writing, publishing, producing, curating, and on and on.  I can't believe I had the opportunity to work with someone of her caliber.  I am so grateful for the experience.  It. Was. Awesome.  I'll be sure to post pictures of the painting and the zines that I created for our Words and Objectivity Show!