Enjoy the Journey, Not the Destination

Recently I came across someone’s favorite quote on Reddit:

“The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination. When you fall in love with the journey, everything else takes care of itself. Trip, fall, pick yourself up. Get up, learn, do it over again.” This is from a tweet by Jonathan Byrd, five time PGA tour winner.

This quote struck me at the right time. In society, results and the bottom line are considered the epitome of success. Many people believe that if one’s endeavors don’t end in money and fame, then the endeavors are not worth the time. I wholeheartedly disagree. I am applying for multiple opportunities in the near future, and as I prepare my materials, I think about what a great experience it is just to prepare them. It helps me to focus on what I want and where I want to be in the future. As artist Jen Hewett said in an interview on Lisa Congdon’s podcast, little decisions make up the trajectory of life. Applying for this opportunity now will help me to apply for more in the future. Gradually I will build the life that I want, and thinking about that makes the journey even more enjoyable and exciting. Take your time and take your steps. It’s okay if it takes longer than you think. The point is you enjoyed yourself along the way, and that’s what life is all about.

Be like a turtle. Enjoy the journey. Cool runnings.